where is my passion at?
i'm feeling down.
feeling down because i don't feel any passion.
i don't feel any drive, motivation or confidence in doing anything anymore.
i'm trying to feel the passion again.
passion in things i like to do, passion in my interests, passion in my work. passion in my life.
i want to have a good job, a job that i will be good in and love.
i want to have confidence in things i do again. i wanna believe in me again.
i don't even have any savings. living week by week sucks.
i remember i have lots of passion when i was in college and uni. believing i can do anything.
but it is all gone now. i need to find my passion again.
i need to do something with my life. i need to adapt. i need to change.
i need to ignite the fire in me again. big time!