Monday, June 16, 2008

pork and beans

been a long time since i saw a nice mtv

try listening to duffy - mercy and warwick avenue...nice

anyway tomorrow is the day i will find out whether i am successful for the interview i went last a feeling i won't get it, again.

anyway currently i'm temping/working in the collections dept in the Ministry of Justice. i dont know how long i will be working here but i guess maybe it will be for sometime, unless i get the job offer. sigh..anyway u guys better pay your fines..i can check your


At 17/6/08 11:04 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Duffy ROCKS bro!! hehe I love that song, and now its stuck in my head... woot woot! Wonder how her other songs are, do you know? Ohhh wonder whether i have any fines. Dudududu...

Mate, all I can do is ask you to stay positive... because i know you deserve a good paying job and a full time one at that... If I had a company... you'd be first on the list bud. =)

Or we could start up our own, like say... Davin.. Prerren....Darrvin...vinrren...rrenvin.. lols... Ok im rambling now..but you get the picuture! ;)

At 17/6/08 10:50 PM , Blogger Darren said...

yeah man...duffy rocks! anyway i dont think u got any fines lar..unless u want me to give u some...hehehehe

anyway thanks for the encouragement bro! means alot.

we could maybe start a company called dar perv? good idea? lol...

At 18/6/08 10:47 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

HAHAHAHHAHA, mate the amount of money i have Personally given to the Aucks City council... man I reckon could have put a downpayment on a house!! hehe not tat bad lar, but you get the picture...

It's hard but stayin positive is important in keeping SANE! :)

hahahah more like Dar Pervs!! with a tag line going " Honest, we are not dodgy!" =)

At 18/6/08 10:20 PM , Blogger Natalie said...

*aimed at the above comments on future consideration of Dar Pervs* -____-"

anyway, don't give up buddy! have faith, and the best job will just appear before you! God bless! *perfect job heading darren's way soon!* :)

again...-___-" at Dar Pervs...

At 18/6/08 11:17 PM , Blogger Darren said...

dar pervs is not that bad..

it is catchy..nowadays u want something that stick in your mind mar..


thank u both for the encouragement!

At 21/6/08 10:58 AM , Blogger Natalie said...

Oh, you betcha dar pervs is gonna be in my head for awhile!

At 23/6/08 2:04 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Bro, me thinks Nats is feeling a bit left out here. So because im EVER so kind.... Prev hereby decrees that the new company name (to be confirmed one payment of $77,000 is deposited into Prev n Darren's account) shall be....

"Nats, Dar Perv!"

hee hee

The Prev has spoken.. =)


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