Friday, July 04, 2008

curry chicken & mahjong

had sharvin, ivan, jeremy, sher mayne, jeffrey(i think) and his gf over yesterday for dinner.

i cooked curry chicken and mag cooked the veges.

it was super least to me lar...hehheheh

after dinner, we played cards and mahjong. all of us were practically playing mahjong. those who knew how to play was supervising and teaching the ones that do not know how to play(sharvin, jeremy and sher mayne).

but at the end of the night, sharvin was already so pro, he was teaching sher mayne and jeremy. the rest of us was playing "cho tai tee".

i really enjoyed myself last night. wish they didn't have to go. and mag was very happy to have them/you over. hope no one got stomach ache or anything today..hehe =)

wasted ying swan could not join us because of meetings and wasted i forgot to take pictures of the night...aiyahhh...nvm..maybe end of the year we will come up to auckland and have more mahjong sessions!

by the way..UMSA got first place overall in Bersatu this year. Congratulations to all the players who played their hearts out! after all the oldies left the team, the young ones are able to win everything! *respect* *respect*

volleyball - gold

netball - gold

badminton - gold

touch - gold

basketball - silver

futsal - silver

handball - silver

not forgetting winning
Best Female Athlete = Sher Mayne, Most Promising Female Athlete and Most Promising Male Athlete.



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