Want A Ride?
Please meet my latest precious baby. I just got it today. Brand new baby!! Bought it with my own hard earned money.
Subaru WRX! Check out the chrome rims...Don't be jealous. Now if anyone wants a ride or use my car, please queue up. Take a number yah.
Did anyone fall for it? I just bought a remote control car to play with. Believe me, I never had a remote control car during my childhood! I am fulfilling my childhood dreams now. Never too old or too late for it, right? As long as I am happy! Those who laugh at me....I won't let you play! Hmmphh...LaLALALALALALALLalalal...You know I was so eager to play with the car..me and mag went to Mitre10(hardware store) just to use the screwdriver...just to unscrew the screws that were holding the car to the box...that was how excited I was!! =)
Today was just a simple nice day for me:
Good Rest + Sunny Day + Mag +Toy Car + Soccer + Friends = Very Happy Me
Yit Chuan happy now?? I posted it up just like you asked me too. Yes I am the one on the right. But the statement is FALSE.