Thursday, September 28, 2006

My work place..

I thought I just saw Mattafix outside my office when i was on the way back. The guy was so damn familiar.

As I was walking home, I saw this poster and guess what? It was really him. They are having concert tonight at the Studio. For those who don't know, my office is just beside the Studio back stage door.

My desk

Anyway since I am talking about my office. I will tell you more on what I do. My office is located at 10 Galatos St, Newton. It is just off K'road. Please remember the address so that some of you guys can come visit me during lunch. Hehehe...

My View

Basically my company is a production house. They specialize in doing videos, commercials, new media and internet. My role in the company is to assist my supervisor. My position in the company is called the General Post Production Assistant. Basically my duties ranges from video editting rough cuts of commercials, digitising footages, duplicating video from all kind of format(Digibeta, Betasp, HDV, MiniDv, DVD, VHS, CD, etc), printing discs and slicks, burning CDs and DVDs, flash and director programming, designing, driver, office boy and whatever you can think of. My company is a very small company, therefore everyone helps out in everyway they can. So far I am pretty happy with what I am doing because I am learning more stuff these days. Although it is very technical and complicated, I am picking it up quite quickly.

My other desk

Just today I was pretty excited as I got to do a rough cut of an ad. This requires me to sit in front of the computer and listen to what the director(boss) and client tells me what he/she wants me to add and modify. So it was a good experience because I was pretty nervous as my skills on Avid is weak. But I came out alive, so that's good. =)

Example of my work

So that's about it. Ppl, stop asking me what I do okay? hehehe lazy to answer already..oh and one more question about me staying here for long...All I can say is, I will let you know next month. But definately going back for cny. Beg or steal or kill, I will do whatever it takes to go home. I miss my family!!!

Alright..Adios..Weekends! WooT!

One more thing, didn't realize that it's puasa month. Selamat Berpuasa to all my friends! We buka sama sama alrite?!


At 29/9/06 1:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

just for the sake of annoying u,

"so..what is it that you do, EXACTLY?"


yummmyyyy mee rebus, koeyteow goreng, mini murtabak, cincau, nasi beriani, HUGE watermelons at the pasar ramadhan. yummmm.

and yummm somemore.

At 29/9/06 2:36 AM , Blogger Jasemaine said...

hey you GPPA,

Good to know what exactly you do.. ahahahahah :)

And everything looks so cool~! Nice window seat somemore..

good good good

At 30/9/06 6:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

for a small company they sure did a very good job of their website. its good to learn and accept to do whatever it takes to help the company move forward early on in your career.

I had to hook up the ice maker/water to the refrig 'coz the contractor couldn't do it wo causing a flood, had to install electronic access locks and show the contractor how to do it 7, still had to do the pgmmg today 'coz no time to train IT, take care of facilities by default 'coz no facilities guy, pull tv cables across the ceiling for R&D and replace broken ceiling tiles to show IT guys it's not beneath me to do those things even though it's not my job and I could have gotten po and ordered them to do it. All these whilst running the company with my partner!

So be thankful for your do everything experience 'coz you would not be responding like our IT guys, best wishes for your next job.


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